Salim Jay.


September 30, 2022 Asterisk cdr mysql | Table Definitions, Storing Unique ID & Troubleshooting

Asterisk can store CDR records in a Mysql database, as an alternative to CSV text files and other database formats. How to download cdr_mysql it’s an integral part of Asterisk 1.8 and higher You must have mysql and mysql-devel packages installed. In an RPM-based Linux, you can check the presence of MySQL like this: rpm…

September 29, 2022 How to Configure Docker in Jenkins {Step-by-Step Guide}

Introduction Jenkins is an open-source CI/CD tool for creating pipelines in software development. This automation server written in Java supports popular version control tools such as Git and assists in building Ant and Apache Maven projects. Jenkins works with different build environments. The main node in the Jenkins installation, the Jenkins controller, balances parallel jobs…

September 29, 2022 How to install Jenkins on Docker

Docker emerged victorious in the battle for universal application packages. Every major operating system supports Docker images, all cloud providers support deploying Docker images, and every major tool or platform offers an official Docker image. Jenkins is no exception, providing the image jenkins/jenkins. In this post you’ll learn how to run Jenkins from a Docker…

September 25, 2022 Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!